Power Feelings: Another milestone approaches

This may look to you like a standard NHL “power rankings” but let me assure you, friend, that it is anything but. These rankings are based entirely on how I feel about a team’s chances of winning the Cup, meaning you can’t tell me I’m wrong because these are my feelings and feelings can’t be wrong.
Please enjoy the Power Feelings.
32. San Jose Sharks (Last time: 32)
Don't feel like this one needs much explanation at this point, huh?
31. Columbus Blue Jackets (LT: 29)
Could the vibes be any worse? It's a classic loser franchise situation at this point; anything would be an improvement over what they have going but nothing is going to change any time soon because of their salary-cap situation, how intractable their GM has felt, and the fact that they just signed this new coach who insists on heal