10 Observations From 2 Years of CHL Data Tracking

In the pursuit for better CHL data, I’ve manually inputted event data in a spreadsheet for over 1200 games – including 900 in the past two seasons.
For the most part, the results align with what I see – after all, I’m actually watching the games™ to record the data. But there are times where the results don’t align. So, I track more games and nine-times-out-ten, nothing changes.
These differences are usually some small, comparatively insignificant data point. Sometimes, they’re Quinton Byfield, the second-best prospect in the 2020 NHL Draft.
Byfield’s results in my dataset are by no means poor or even outlandish. He checks out as one of the best players in the CHL because, well, he is one of the best players. He finished fifth in the OHL in points per game with 1.82 while often dragging si