League Information and Facts
2015-2016 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Briercrest College and Seminary 29 1 431 6'0" 179 lbs 23.07
2. Concordia Univ. of Edmonton 27 1 660 5'11" 175 lbs 22.52
3. Grant MacEwan Univ. 27 1 544 6'0" 182 lbs 22.81
4. Keyano College 29 1 282 5'11" 180 lbs 22.79
5. Northern AB Inst. of Tech. 26 1 677 5'11" 183 lbs 23.42
6. Portage College 27 925 6'0" 188 lbs 22.67
7. Red Deer College 25 1 238 5'11" 183 lbs 22.44
8. SAIT (Southern AB Inst. of Tech) 28 1 358 6'0" 190 lbs 22.79
9. Univ. of Alberta-Augustana 26 1 347 6'0" 180 lbs 23.54