League Information and Facts
1966-1967 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Bowdoin College 26 5'10" 170 lbs 19.00
2. Colby College 1 25 6'0" 181 lbs 20.00
3. College of the Holy Cross 2 5'9" 146 lbs -
4. Gustavus Adolphus College 32 - - -
5. Hamilton College 1 5'10" 174 lbs 21.00
6. Hamline Univ. 1 - - 23.00
7. Lake Forest College 3 - - -
8. Middlebury College 1 - - -
9. RIT (Rochester Inst. of Tech.) 13 5'9" 170 lbs 20.50
10. St. Mary's Univ. 19 713 - - -
11. SUNY-Oswego 10 5'10" 169 lbs 20.00
12. Univ. of Connecticut 31 5'11" 168 lbs -
13. Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior 17 21 - - 19.00
14. Williams College 2 5'11" 185 lbs -