League Information and Facts
2012-2013 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Metro Southwest 2 6'1" 191 lbs 17.00
2. Team MAP South Hockey 11 230 5'11" 191 lbs 16.91
3. Team MPLS Magazine 11 235 6'0" 188 lbs 17.18
4. Team Sanford Power 29 567 6'0" 188 lbs 17.28
5. Team TDS Transportation 6 168 6'1" 188 lbs 17.17
6. Team The Base 22 563 5'11" 186 lbs 17.50
7. Team Twin Cities Orthopedics 9 269 6'0" 186 lbs 17.22
8. Team Wisconsin 22 440 6'0" 188 lbs 17.62