League Information and Facts
2007-2008 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Briercrest College & Seminary 21 1 062 6'1" 192 lbs 21.60
2. Concordia Univ. College of AB 26 1 134 6'0" 194 lbs 23.17
3. Grant MacEwan College 23 743 5'11" 185 lbs 22.75
4. Mount Royal College 29 1 122 6'0" 191 lbs 22.73
5. Northern AB Inst. of Tech. 27 822 6'0" 187 lbs 22.26
6. SAIT (Southern AB Inst. of Tech) 28 1 058 6'0" 186 lbs 22.56
7. Univ. of Alberta-Augustana 24 1 105 6'0" 193 lbs 22.50