League Information and Facts
2023-2024 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Team MAP South Hockey 21 420 6'0" 172 lbs 17.38
2. Team MPLS Magazine 20 487 6'0" 178 lbs 17.10
3. Team North Dakota 19 155 6'0" 177 lbs 17.79
4. Team Sanford Power 26 552 5'11" 169 lbs 17.42
5. Team SIT Financial Services 24 426 6'0" 174 lbs 17.33
6. Team TDS Transportation 20 488 6'0" 170 lbs 17.40
7. Team The Base 24 580 5'11" 170 lbs 17.13
8. Team Twin Cities Orthopedics 21 530 5'11" 166 lbs 17.43
9. Team Wisconsin 22 382 5'11" 170 lbs 17.20