League Information and Facts
2003-2004 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Archbishop Williams High 1 5'9" 190 lbs 15.00
2. Arlington Catholic High 1 6'3" 194 lbs 18.00
3. Austin Prep 1 5'9" 170 lbs 16.00
4. Catholic Memorial School 5 49 5'9" 181 lbs 17.00
5. Framingham High 1 5'9" 172 lbs 18.00
6. Franklin High 1 5'8" - 18.00
7. Marlborough High 3 5'9" 170 lbs 14.00
8. Masconomet Regional High 1 - - 18.00
9. Reading Memorial High 1 6'3" 185 lbs 18.00
10. St. Mary's High 2 5'11" 184 lbs 17.00
11. The Governor's Academy 1 371 5'11" 209 lbs 18.00
12. Westwood High 1 - - 15.00
13. Xaverian Brothers High 1 5'10" 161 lbs 17.00