League Information and Facts
1975-1976 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Air Force Academy 6 271 - - -
2. Boston College 31 655 5'11" 180 lbs 20.73
3. Boston Univ. 25 1 434 6'0" 187 lbs 20.44
4. Bowling Green State Univ. 26 1 349 5'10" 178 lbs 20.62
5. Brown Univ. 22 700 5'11" 177 lbs 19.89
6. Clarkson Univ. 24 1 036 5'11" 178 lbs 19.71
7. Colgate Univ. 22 787 5'10" 173 lbs 20.33
8. Colorado College 24 816 6'0" 188 lbs 20.25
9. Cornell Univ. 33 1 066 5'11" 177 lbs 19.83
10. Dartmouth College 30 660 5'11" 175 lbs 19.25
11. Harvard Univ. 31 690 5'11" 179 lbs 20.43
12. Lake Superior State Univ. 32 834 5'10" 164 lbs 21.00
13. Michigan State Univ. 28 1 860 5'11" 185 lbs 21.00
14. Michigan Tech 27 1 673 6'1" 186 lbs 20.33
15. Northeastern Univ. 24 1 137 6'0" 180 lbs 21.75
16. Ohio State Univ. 28 1 272 5'11" 180 lbs 20.00
17. Princeton Univ. 24 0 6'1" 187 lbs 19.75
18. Providence College 22 979 5'11" 182 lbs 19.88
19. RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.) 28 1 474 5'10" 170 lbs 20.14
20. St. Louis Univ. 24 834 5'11" 183 lbs 19.71
21. St. Lawrence Univ. 20 463 5'11" 180 lbs 19.83
22. Univ. of Denver 24 1 027 5'11" 179 lbs 20.00
23. Univ. of Michigan 28 1 665 5'11" 180 lbs 20.32
24. Univ. of Minnesota 26 1 498 5'11" 181 lbs 20.53
25. Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth 23 896 5'10" 184 lbs 20.18
26. Univ. of New Hampshire 26 1 297 5'11" 186 lbs 20.00
27. Univ. of North Dakota 23 1 303 5'11" 179 lbs 20.30
28. Univ. of Notre Dame 28 1 665 5'11" 180 lbs 20.36
29. Univ. of Pennsylvania 27 788 5'10" 176 lbs 21.29
30. Univ. of Vermont 27 1 077 5'11" 177 lbs 19.90
31. Univ. of Wisconsin 33 1 246 5'11" 179 lbs 19.48
32. Western Michigan Univ. 26 630 6'0" 189 lbs 19.57
33. Yale Univ. 21 497 6'0" 182 lbs 20.14